Friday, March 12, 2010

Small Mercies yeah.. no updates this week either.. I do apologize for that.. on the upside, the damned sick spell is about mended it seems. Thank gods.

In better news.. the weather's been down-right pleasant here of late, barring the rain earlier tonight. It's a ncie change after the harshest winter in fifteen years, let me just say that...

Be excellent to each other.

Friday, March 5, 2010

What a bloody week....

...severe sinus congestion, and a short weekend due to make-up time for work that it necessitated. Regrettably, I'm simply too fatigued to get a character post done on deadline, and for that dear readers I apologize. The Little Fears character will in all hopes be posted sometime before next week, as my health is slowly but assuredly showing signs of improvement.

Be excellent to each other, and party on.